General information

Hi everyone, IMPORTANT MESSAGE about the children’s camp. ONLY THOSE WHO HAVE RECIEVED A MESSAGE HAVE A PLACE IN THE CAMP. If you haven’t been contacted by the organisers it means you/your children do not have a place and have been placed on the waiting list.  Apologies about the confusion from the “Who’s coming” list, which unfortunately shows everyone who has registered as coming.


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    • Please read all information in this “info for parents” section carefully as it may be critical for acceptance to the camp/successful experience in the camp

We have found that for the event to be a complete success for children and organisers, children should:

1) stay for the full camp (mandatory)

2) Meditate regularly at home of their own free will
3) Want to come to the camp for themselves (instead of for their parents)
4) Be fully prepared to accept the rules and procedures of the camp
5) Be properly identified with the Sahaja Yoga culture and norms of behaviour.

Further information:

  • Accommodation will be in dorms, a Girls Dorm and a Boys Dorm – parents are encouraged to share any important/useful information about the children with the organisers, prior to joining. It is very important that the organisers understand the character of a child, and any particular needs
  • Shower and toilet facilities are separate, one section for boys and one for girls
  • Volunteers sleep in the dorms, or sometimes in the separate bedrooms (according to their role in the camp) – volunteers are vetted before joining the camps (coordinator recommendation)
  • Children will be put into international groups of mixed ages, or “Houses” – all efforts will be made to try and support a child’s needs
  • Each group will have 1 or 2 experienced adults/Yuvas attached to it – children are encouraged to speak to the adult/yuva in their group, or speak to the organisers
  • The groups will be responsible for chores in the camp, on a rotational basis
  • Each group will be responsible for: morning meditation; cleaning the mediation room; cleaning the bathrooms; washing up and all other collective chores (or Punyas!)
  • There will be a wide variety of creative activities (art, dance, drama, music etc) for the children to choose from, as well as making suggestions of their own.
  • There will also be a mixed programme of outdoor activities and team games.
  • Each group will be responsible for making sure that all its members attend all activities of the camp (all activity sessions are compulsory).
  • Of course we will have regular morning and evening meditations, Pujas, Havans, etc. and children will be actively encouraged to take the lead

Accommodation in Daglio is spartan (dorms, not so hot water etc.). The real joy of the camp is the depth of strong vibrations in a very close Sahaj collectivity.

Note on hygiene:

Please can parents teach their children how to use water after going to the toilet, after using toilet paper. The toilets in Daglio get blocked if paper is used by too many people. Please remind your children to use the paper bins provided in the toilets.  Especially with the younger children!

The good vibrations. The big mountains. I like to much the bhajans and I like to play harmonium. The food is very good. In Daglio are too much nature…It was very good.