To register you need:
- Children & Adults: Pre-register by going to the Pre-registration Page and filling in the online form
- Children only: Download and complete the Registration Form with photograph and coordinator’s approval (can also be sent by e-mail):
- DOCx version, if you prefer to fill it in electronically before printing (you’ll need MS Word for the correct layout)
- PDF version, if you prefer to fill it in manually and/or your text processor cannot read it in a 1-page layout as intended
Note to parents:
Your national coordinator will need to sign the Registration Form, so please take care to meet with him/her before the final registration. If that is not possible, we can exceptionally accept it via e-mail (must include all details in the form). The individual forms should be brought directly to Cabella and must be filled in and signed by the country leader and both parents of the child (for special cases where the 2nd parent cannot sign, please contact us to explain the situation and/or ask your national coordinator to make a mention of it in their recommendation).
Note to volunteers:
Your national coordinator will need to recommend your participation. After completing the pre-registration on the website, you will receive a mail from us. Please forward that mail to your coordinator and ask them to send it back to us with their approval (and comments if needed).
Preliminary registration ends on 30 of June.
GIRLS: A Registration Desk will be open on Saturday 22 & Sunday 23 of July, hopefully around the hangar (however due to the ongoing Festival we may need to relocate to the school building or elsewhere – to be confirmed). Last minute registrations are also possible on Monday morning, but please try to see us in the weekend already if you are in Cabella, to not delay the start of the camp with too much administrative hassle on Monday. If you cannot be at the registration desk by 10 AM on Monday 24 July, please Contact us as soon as possible (!)otherwise we may give the place to another child or volunteer (we have a legal headcount limit of 99 participants, and usually we have people on the waiting list).
BOYS: A desk will open at the hangar on Saturday afternoon, 5 August. The exact hours will be confirmed later on. We will register the boys in while registering out the girls. Last minute registrations are also possible on Sunday morning, but please try to see us on Saturday already if you are in Cabella, to not delay the start of the camp with too much administrative hassle on Sunday. If you cannot be at the registration desk by 10 AM on Sunday 6 August, please Contact us as soon as possible (!) otherwise we may give the place to another child or volunteer.
We will collect:
- The completed Registration Form, signed by both parents, with photograph and a coordinator’s approval (if not received by e-mail)
- An international health insurance card or certificate
- Passport or Identity Card (a copy is also accepted if the parent is in Cabella with the original, and reachable at all times)
- A copy of the Vaccination Card (optional, but recommended)
- The camp fee (if you couldn’t pay by bank transfer as explained below)
Acceptance interviews
Acceptance Interview are mandatory for children/volunteers attending the first time, but recommended for all.
At the acceptance interview, we may ask questions about the Sahaj background of the child, their interests and potential health issues. For yuvas and adults we’ll go briefly over the tasks and activities they would like to present. To make the process efficient, it’s advisable that both parents and volunteers already cover these items in the Comments section of the online Pre-Registration.
For the parents and volunteers who cannot wait till the acceptance interview in Cabella (due to travel arrangements & vacation planning), we’ve put up a checklist which you can download HERE. If all applicable conditions are met, you can be fairly certain of your acceptance. You would still need to pass by the Registration desk in time to meet us and complete the formalities. If you want to be 100% sure and/or are unable to pass by the Registration desk in time, it can also be done online. Send us a mail with the completed checklist as well as any relevant documents attached (e.g.: filled & scanned registration form for children, ID & insurance scan, leader’s reference) and we’ll get back to you with a final answer.
Swimming, we can go at an awesome waterfall, many games are played and watching movies is allowed and making new friends is easy.